Odoo • Image and Text


Welcome to Stormsurge! Ever want to take part in a sword fight? Wish you could hurl a fireball at a pesky goblin, or shoot arrows at a would be assassin? Maybe you are an artist or crafter and just want a group of friends to hang with..Look no further than your local installation of an international game known as.... AMTGARD!

If you are new to Amtgard, or are just curious about how we operate, dont hesitate to ask, or look at our resources in the pinned post. Come out and join us for some fun under the sun! (just look for a group of people that stepped out of time, constructed weapons and proceeded to spar with one another. xD ) hope to see you soon!

In service of the populace,
Lord Squire Pirate
Sheriff of Stormsurge
Celestial Kingdom